Epworth Sleepiness Score

Epworth Sleepiness Score

The Epworth Sleepiness Score is a questionnaire that was developed to measure daytime sleepiness. Although this is a questionnaire that you have to answer on your own, it should not be used to make your own diagnosis.

Using the rating scale below, rate each of the following statements as it best applies to you. If your score is 10 or more, please share this information with your doctor.

          Would never doze               Slight chance of dozing     Moderate chance of dozing     High chance of dozing      
0 1 2 3
Sitting and reading
Watching TV
Sitting inactive in a public place
(e.g. cinema or in a meeting)
Being in a car for an hour as a passenger (without a break)
Lying down to rest in the afternoon (when possible)
Sitting and chatting to someone
Sitting quietly after lunch (not having had alcohol)
In a car when you stop in traffic for a few minutes
Results Epworth Sleepiness Score Indication
Less Than 10 You are most likely getting enough sleep.
However, if you have noticed a change in your normal sleep routine, you may
want to discuss this with your doctor.
10 - 16 You may be suffering from excessive daytime sleepiness.
You should see you Doctor to determine the cause of your sleepiness
and possible treatment. Your Doctor may refer you to Sleep Services Australia for a home-based
sleep study to assist in your diagnosis.
16+ You are dangerously sleepy.
It is imperative that you see your Doctor to determine the cause of your
sleepiness, and to investigate treatment as soon as possible. Your
Doctor can refer you to Sleep Services Australia for a sleep study to assist in your diagnosis.